Week One, June 16th, 2021


Week One

June 16th, 2021

Bunching Onions

8 oz Salad Mix

8 oz Spinach


Snap Peas

Head Lettuce - Romaine, Green and Red

Hello All,

We are thrilled to finally be delivering the first boxes to all of you!  The more years we farm, the more we learn that each season comes with it’s own very specific successes and unique challenges.  Today was a day filled with good energy as it was the first day we had our whole team out in the field humming along together.  We are so thankful for our crew this year and it truly makes all of the difference.  When the list of tasks is long, and the days are hot, having a positive group of people to work with matters! Due to this crazy consistency of hot days, we are also very grateful every day for our irrigation system.  The grass in our yard is fried, but the plants are looking great with Dan’s diligence in regular watering of all the fields.  

When you get your box this week you’ll notice two sheets of paper, one focusing on veggie storage and care tips and the other a reminder of farm tour dates.  We don’t usually print a lot of material, but the intention here is to keep these as a reference throughout the season.   Our first farm visit will be Saturday June 26th from 1-4.  Please come out and see us!  We ‘ll be here happy to give tours of the fields and show you our work spaces and greenhouse.  That weekend also happens to be Sauerkraut days in our charming town of Henderson.   After stopping by the farm, you can head to the festival, just a 5 minute drive down the road, for snow cones, music and of course, sauerkraut! 

This week the fresh spring greens absolutely shine!  Plan on making or purchasing your favorite salad dressing, (here’s mine), and a nice parmesan- that’s all you’ll need to enjoy these delicious fresh greens.  You could also do as our daughter Mirah does and eat them right out of the box!   In addition to salad, I will be making omelettes galore with this week’s box.  The two vegetables I bought consistently this winter were green onions and spinach.  I would sautee them together and add them to my eggs as often as possible.  Having these items coming fresh from the field makes the whole idea more delicious.  I think this batch of spinach has been one of our best!  

A few things to note- the first box, as typical to any season, is the lightest box of the year, and the most greens focused.  Kohlrabi, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, summer squash, beets, and carrots, to name a few,  are all around the corner, but not sized up yet.  Usually we have radishes in the first share, but we have had some crazy weed pressure and the worst Spring insect pests we’ve had in a while.  That, in combination with the heat, wiped out our first succession of radishes and our Spring arugula.  Because of the insect pressure, you may notice some holes on the kale leaves.  We kept the kale covered  with insect protection for as long as possible, but some damage was done.  They are absolutely edible and incredibly delicious!  As a CSA farm, we feel it is important to let you know exactly what’s happening in the field, the good stuff and also the frustrating things like flea beetles that eat tiny little holes in brassicas.  We’re in this together. 

If you purchased a bread or coffee share, those items will be on the top of your box at your pick up location.  If you purchased a flower bouquet, your flowers will be labeled with your name on it, and in a black water bucket at your pick up location.  Remember, each box is labeled with the pick up site location and YOUR NAME.  Please make sure to take the box with your name on it!  Return the box to the pick up site the following week.  Check out our quick video for a tutorial on collapsing your CSA box. 

We love our job of providing LOCALLY grown, chemical free veggies to you weekly!

As always, reach out with any questions!

For more photos and news, follow us on Instagram @little_big_sky_farm!!!

-Jenny & Dan


Member open house and farm tour dates for 2021 are as follows:

Saturday, June 26th 1-4pm

Thursday, August 19th 4-7pm

Saturday, September 25th 1-4pm

Details to follow!



Little Big Sky Farm

30021 290th St. Henderson, MN 56044